C (37/254)

Date:18 Apr 00 at 11:22:00
Subject:Re: Digest Number 356


>> Well, it's slower than a turtle trying to walk backwards here. I can type
>> stuff and it'll appear on the screen a second later - not the sort of thing
>> a touch-typist likes to see.
> Just a thought, but are you using an Amiga 4000/030? As far as I know, the
> 4000/030 was the only machine to exhibit this, but when software attempts to
> access memory which is not physically present (a bus fault), basically the
> whole machine pauses for a bit, as it tries desperately to access thin air.
> This pause can be turned off by flipping a bit in the Gary chip, but I've
> only seen one program that can do this: MCP's Processor/Fast Gary feature.

Try running a program called DTACK.. I think it stil exists on aminet.. it fixed
the 030 4000's strange motherboard/daughterboard memory problem.



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